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What's in the Air I'm Breathing?

Particulate Matter, or PM, refers to small droplets or particles suspended in the air. There are strong correlations between the concentration of PM in the air and various health issues and disorders, from asthma to cardiovascular diseases, and even mental/neurological disorders. There are three size classifications of PM that are detected by our sensors: PM10, PM2.5, and PM1. PM data are reported as mass concentration (µg/m3), which can be interpreted as the total mass of these particles in a volume of air about the size of a stove.
More Info

  • PM10 : Mass concentration (µg/m3) of particles about 10 times smaller than a grain of sand. They are typically generated by construction work, road dust, and windblown dust.

  • PM2.5 : Mass concentration (µg/m3) of particles about 40 times smaller than a grain of sand. Sources of these pollutants are usually a mixture of cooking, fossil fuel combustion (gas-powered vehicles, diesel buses, motorcycles, airplanes, etc.), and chemical reactions in the atmosphere between pollutants.

  • PM1 : Mass concentration (µg/m3) of particles about 50 times smaller than a grain of powdered sugar. Sources of these pollutants include combustion (fossil fuels, fires, and cooking), and chemical reactions in the atmosphere. PM1 is still not regulated despite increasing evidence from epidemiology studies that smaller particles are responsible for most adverse health impacts.